Sunday, February 11, 2018

Be Your Own Life Coach

Those who are motivated, find ways to motivate themselves.

These people are the embodiment of the Indiana Jones protype. I’ll provide you with an image of what I think this “uber achiever” does: Imagine a plane about to crash into a hot fiery volcano.

They are the ones that are not only piloting the plane; they are the ones simultaneously fixing it. Other people don’t know how they do “it”- but they often manage to do everything on their plate and then some.

This “it” that I refer to is everyday small tasks that range from the mundane to the extraordinary. They just have something in their blood that makes you wonder, “how are they doing it all?” 

Successful people are those who know how to motivate themselves and are their own life coach.

 I know even the best of teachers and leaders who give it their all tire at some point. But, it’s these three values that they embody that packs a punch: Grit, Resiliency and Drive.

 Leaders who exhibit these qualities are those who have practiced these values daily until it became so innate to them, it’s now a habit. They have a never ending source in themselves that they draw upon each day.  Those are the qualities that true leaders need in order to sustain the pace of our profession.

 Here are some reference points on how to start being your own life coach:

  1. Strive for progress, not perfection. 
  2. Get up everyday knowing you will not settle for mediocre. 
  3. Understand you have to work for success and “luck” is the sum of all your small efforts. 
  4. Continue to learn from your failure and don’t take rejection personally. Move on. 

 Lastly, my favorite of all values to being my own life coach: Remain resolute, steadfast and unequivocally persistent that everything you embody is a platform for positivity.

 So…tell me, how will you OWN this process of being your source for inspiration?

What I Wish for You